众官员求助于巴菲特那段挺好玩inside jobmargin calltoo big to failwhatever美国会活过来的
妈耶可以说是今年到目前为止我最爱的一部了虽然题材仍然限制在了处理感情问题这点让我不满——在主流市场看来男女之情似乎永远是女性生活的重心你不会期待看到男性用一整部剧探讨如何维护/拯救/毁灭失败婚姻契约兄妹也不会期待出现一部剧描述女性如何步步经营走向事业巅峰、领导国家战争、推翻既有政治体系而对私人生活一带而过they're simply not attractive但不管怎么说本剧还是大大推高了肥皂剧的天花板——既然都是看女性向爽文为什么不看艺术造诣更高的那种波普漫画+Old Jazz+平行蒙太奇深度剖析了三个时代中三种不同的婚姻结构及其中出现的转折点完美满足观众的窥私癖最终最柔弱的选择了反抗最自我的选择了理解最开放的选择了回归寓意很妙
非常entertaining和dark; but u r basically portraying an Asian woman helping with the white establishment to oppress Black faculty… I mean I know the message is perhaps that the Asian woman has no choice, but at least show more of her struggle… right now it looks like she’s ready to pander, stead of answering to her promise of shaking up the place